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Why Hitler Was A Good Person

Hitler was not a good person, lets just get that out there.

Now, why is Hitler a good person?

First of all, Adolf Hitler made h3h3Productions possible. h3h3Productions an American comedy Youtube channel produced by the husband and wife team, Ethan Klein and Hila Klein. How did Hitler make their youtube channel possible? They both met at the holocaust museum.

Adolf Hitler was an abitious man. He created mustard gas, also know as Zyklon B. It makes you laugh so hard that you can't breathe. His scientists were the first people who proved that smoking really is bad for you and he is such a humble man that he didn't tell anyone else.

If it weren't for Hitler, Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Zombies in general would not have existed. If the hours of Call of Duty with my brothers never existed, what would I have done with my life?

Actual facts about why people thought Hitler was a good person

Hitler was a not misogynist (for all the feminists reading this). He created the Aufseherinnen for women who wanted to be involved in the war. The other women were encouraged to take their role as the mother and wife.

After World War 1 ended, Germany was suffering bankruptcy. When the nazis managed to take control of other countries, they were able to steal all of their money. Because of this, he was able to restore Germany's wealth. It is also said that Hitler had gold banks hidden underground in Germany so if they ever lost the war, they would be able to rebuild. The crowed favoured his idea, therefore Hitler gained +1 respect points.

The Third Reich attempted global domination and to eradicate all jews. Over 60 million casualties were confirmed (3% of the 1940 global population).

This webpage was made in association with Marcus.

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